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Iniciado por jorgecerra, Marzo 08, 2022, 09:09:24 PM

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Canada ordered thousands of smallpox vaccines weeks before monkeypox 'outbreak'

Public Health Agency of Canada 'is procuring a stockpile of the vaccine' should 'a risk ever arise where smallpox is intentionally or unintentionally released,' the tender reads.

( Viendo a la señora, fanática oportunista, te desaparecen las posibles dudas )
Canada's public health chief says 'entire population susceptible to monkeypox,' pushes smallpox jab

( It is said that a smallpox jab could help stem transmission of monkeypox )




Segregating people by vaccine status is drawn straight from Hitler's playbook

( En mi opinión, todo el tinglado del "Great Reset" es de inspiración nazi. El arrogante y ridiculamente siniestro Klaus Schwab, elegido por las grandes corporaciones mundiales como portavoz y figura visible de su latrocinio universal, es como el personaje que estaba detrás de la cortina en El Mago de Oz. Lo que él presenta como una deslumbrante idea no es más que el nuevo intento de establecer un Reich, esta vez el IV, mediante la esclavitud de la mayor parte de la población mundial. Por ello, no se trata de tal genio, sino de un desalmado que, como su propio padre hizo aprovechándose de los prisioneros que le eran abastecidos, pretende quitarle todo a los demás, que trabajen para su grupo mandante y reciban unas descargas electromagnéticas de propina. Este personaje, que sólo puede ser venerado por una corte de idiotas presuntuosos, utiliza los avances de la nueva tecnología y el engaño para alcanzar lo que su padre y el equipo criminal del que formaba parte no llegó a conseguir por medios menos desarrollados. ) 


Mastercard launches biometric checkout program with facial, fingerprint recognition

Biometric identification methods could cement the exclusion of certain individuals, such as the unjabbed, from access to goods and services.

Davos reveals building blocks for "green" social credit system

President of Chinese corporation promotes tracking of spending habits at World Economic Forum meeting
'This guy who runs a dodgy company is developing [technology] to track... essentially, your social credit score,'


( Y al mismo tiempo . . . )

Head of German bishops: Church teaching on homosexuality, female ordination 'must be changed'


World Economic Forum warns to expect 'pain,' inflation, energy shortages due to its climate policies

small and medium-sized businesses will "need to accept that there will be pain in the process" of implementing the "transition" required to reach WEF and United Nations' Agenda 2030 net zero carbon goals.
The agenda set out by the WEF's head, Klaus Schwab, asserts that companies must be forced to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions using government imposed regulations, since apparently "[v]oluntary action will not be enough to solve the climate crisis."


( ¿ Qué creeis que hará Sánchez ? )

World Health Organization "Global Pandemic Treaty" Includes Plan For Mandatory, Universal Digital Passport and ID System

According to Garret Mehl – the head of WHO's Department of Digital Health and Innovation, the plan for the new universal system is to issue a QR code digital ID to every single person on the planet – that way, everyone is tracked.

Americans shouldn't want this guy anywhere near power. But, thanks to treasonous Joe Biden, the globalist left, and the DC Swamp, this globalist organization and its crazed leader will have absolute control.

When you consider the fact that the Biden Regime purposefully hid the proposed amendments to the Treaty when it was submitted in January (therefore, skipping the democratic process) – and only made the proposal public months later (just before the WHO assembly), we are way beyond an impeachable offense. This is borderline treason.


Over 500 Military Service Members Sue the Government for Mandating a Vaccine that Was Not FDA Approved and Should Not Have Been Administered




