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Iniciado por jorgecerra, Marzo 08, 2022, 09:09:24 PM

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Querella criminal contra el conseller Argimon per la vacunació infantil  -  25/05/2022

Els fàrmacs administrats haurien rebut únicament una autorització temporal dels reguladors, que encara els considerarien en fase experimental. D'acord amb el nostre ordenament jurídic, aquesta circumstància exigia que les vacunes s'administressin sota prescripció mèdica.

Juntament amb la manca de prescripció, que hauria de determinar de forma individualitzada la conveniència de sotmetre's al tractament, també es denuncia l'absència d'un adequat consentiment informat. En aquest sentit, l'administració tampoc no hauria complert amb l'obligació d'informar, entre d'altres, sobre la composició del medicament o els possibles efectes adversos vinculats.

L'escassa afectació de la Covid-19 en població infantil i adolescent, descartava la necessitat d'administrar la vacuna en menors d'edat amb caràcter general. La decisió adoptada per l'executiu, presentada amb la finalitat de reduir la incidència comunitària, fou contrària al principi de "l'interès superior del menor".


" Ukraine is the EU? Stupid joke... People's rights are violated, political parties are banned, corruption is mind-boggling. And this is the EU? This union is committing suicide,"


Express: Britain may declare "war" on Russia in case of execution of mercenaries in the DPR

The UK is Doing Its Best to Stir a Food Crisis While Pinning the Blame on Russia

London Will Be First.....The Threat to the World Comes From the Anglo-Saxons – Member of Russian Defence Committee



EU Renews Digital Covid Pass Despite 99% Negative Public Feedback

Consultation elicited over 385,000 responses – almost all of which appear to be opposed to renewal!





Florida meningococcal outbreak among gay and bisexual men is one of worst in US history: CDC

The CDC is reporting 24 cases of meningococcal in the United States with 6 deaths among gay and bisexual men

"Because of the outbreak in Florida, and the number of Pride events being held across the state in coming weeks, it's important that gay and bisexual men who live in Florida get vaccinated, and those traveling to Florida talk to their healthcare provider about getting a MenACWY vaccine."

CDC Investigates Rare Disease in Florida Dubbed as 'One of the Worst Outbreaks Among Gay and Bisexual Men in U.S. History'

the CDC said they are assisting with the meningococcal disease outbreak investigation in Florida that spread among homosexual males, including those with HIV.

So far, at least 24 cases and 7 deaths among homosexuals  have recently been reported in the 'Sunshine State.'


How convenient: "the Ashkenazi Jewish bloodline is practically immune to the spike protein"

ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity



Testimony and emerging scientific data regarding the genetic inoculations

the US Constitution does not mention regulation of public health or medical practice as a Federal Government role or responsibility, and therefore the right to manage public health and medical practice practices vests with the States, not with unelected federal bureaucrats such as Dr. Birx and her mentor Dr. Fauci.

There must be accountability and restitution for the damages incurred to those who were mandated by the US Federal Government to receive the unlicensed, Emergency Use Authorized products.





COVID-19 increases risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's & stroke, study finds

Genomic analysis finds monkeypox virus is mutating unusually fast

Raina MacIntyre, an infectious disease expert who has studied monkeypox in the past, said this new spread of the virus is "definitely unusual."  she speculates that COVID-19 may be playing a role in the sudden emergence of this outbreak.

While waning immunity from past smallpox vaccinations may be a factor in the virus's increased spread, MacIntyre wonders whether SARS-CoV-2 infections have impaired immune responses in people, making them more susceptible to infections from monkeypox.

"As people recover from COVID, their immune system is impaired," MacIntyre wrote in a piece for The Conversation. "So people who have had COVID may be more susceptible to other infections. We see the same with measles infection. This weakens the immune system and increases the risk of other infections for two to three years afterwards."

