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Iniciado por jorgecerra, Marzo 08, 2022, 09:09:24 PM

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FBI, CIA: The Sordid History   -   TheDavidKnightShow

A century of surveillance, blackmail and corruption and President Truman's op-ed piece calling for the abolition of the CIA he created.




WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: 'We Just Don't Need the Vast Majority of the Population' in Today's World

Yuval Noah Harari Reveals the Real Dangers Ahead | The TED Interview


CDC Ends Differentiation of Unvaccinated Under Coronavirus Guidelines

Comment : 
Imhuman • 36 minutes ago  -  Midterms that is why the sudden change.

German health minister 'confused' and 'mentally ill'

Comments :  Rentia Diedericks • 2 days ago • edited
Everyone has him down for a total lunatic even though the government fabricated polls to show his 'popularity'. In January this year, German doctor and author Gunter Frank called Lauterbach a 'madman'. Frank was a guest on 'Talk im Hangar-7'. When moderator Michael Fleischhacker described Lauterbach as an 'epidemiologist' Frank corrected him: 'Mr. Lauterbach lives in his own delusional world. He has completely removed himself from reality. He is simply telling lies. It's insane, we're being run by a madman here as far as health policy is concerned.'


Why are US road accidents sky-rocketing?   -   July 31, 2022

There has been a massive increase in traffic accidents in the United States since last year.

Some 270 million Americans have been vaccinated against Covid-19 with mRNA vaccines in the last two years. Already, behind closed doors, calls are being made for more autopsies to be carried out on the alleged "accident" victims. In any case, the increase in numbers correlates strikingly with the increasing numbers of collapsing athletes, public figures and, more recently, tourists worldwide.


Is the Biden Administration Trying to Start an Insurrection?

The political history of America over the past six years can be summed up as the struggle of a corrupt, self-serving political class to eliminate the democratic process and assert its will by fiat. The message they have sent is that in Our Democracy™ the people cannot peacefully change their government. If they dare to choose new rulers, the political class will strike back with a vengeance.


Being human means realizing there is no power and certainly no other human being that can possess us unless we allow it.

It's not only Gates who wishes to start from zero. Many others, especially those who are part of the World Economic Forum, argue vigorously for sub-human ways of being. It's hardly the call of the future or progress. If anything, Gates and company are going into regress and remaking man in the image of a beast that feasts on bugs. Eat a cockroach, become a cockroach.


World Economic Forum Wants To Use AI To Automatically Censor Speech On The Internet



( Parece que ya han ordeñado suficientemente al sarscov2, y además es conveniente salir de la dialéctica covid ahora que están produciendose las muertes entre los inoculados. Lo mejor es borrar las fronteras entre inyectados y no inyectados, para evitar que los no inyectados se conviertan en grupo placebo de referencia. Y a otra cosa, que lo que sobran son enfermedades en cartera para aterrorizar al personal, y conseguir meterle a todos en el cuerpo esas substancias secretas promovidas por los más miserables políticos, que son casi todos.  -  Marchando la polio y la del mono, combinada gripe-covid, en oferta refuerzos de cualquiera ; le pinchamos con lo que Vd. quiera, pero pínchese, que, si no, no les funciona el juguete diabólico. )

Polio Begins Spreading In London For First Time In Decades

there are no reported cases of polio in the city yet, but added that the samples came from less-vaccinated parts of the city.

Individuals infected with polio will not necessarily present symptoms after infection, meaning the virus could be circulating even if nobody is reporting they're infected.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that a vaccination rate of 95% is needed within a population in order to keep polio outbreaks at bay, but the vaccination rate across several parts of London is below that threshold, according to Reuters.


( " Hay expertos pa toó ". Hazte experto ; la profesión del futuro (corresponde al antiguo oficio de mamporrero).

UK to reverse "accidental" ban on edible insect farming Propaganda push is selling eating bugs as usual, and suggests the UK is just going back to normal.

experts tell us that, if we want to save the planet, we should eat more insects.


Moderna CEO says Covid vaccines will evolve like 'an iPhone'

'Beyond Chilling': Homeland Security Seeks to Share Biometric Databanks With Foreign Countries

"The ramifications of a government — any government — having this much unregulated, unaccountable power to target, track, round up and detain its citizens is beyond chilling," John Whitehead, attorney and author told The Defender.

Karl Lauterbach is EVIL and NOT Stupid
Lying about his vaccine status means he does NOT believe in vaccines any more
