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Iniciado por jorgecerra, Marzo 08, 2022, 09:09:24 PM

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Europe and the United States Go Thelma and Louise Over the Ukraine

Pfizer Plans 400% Price Increase for mRNA COVID Jab After CDC Panels Recommend to Include COVID Shots for Children and Adolescents Annual Immunization Schedule

EcoHealth Whistleblower Dr. Andrew Huff: They Created the COVID-19 Virus Using Gain of Function in a Number of Laboratories and They Covered It Up


Lara Logan Banned from Newsmax for Arguing Good Defeats Evil, Satan Will Not Win,
Globalists Want Us Eating Bugs While They Dine on Blood of Children

Canadians Can No Longer Legally Buy, Sell, or Transfer Handguns as Tyrant Trudeau Orders Immediate Freeze on the Sale of Handguns

CIA Is Attempting to Resurrect The Woolly Mammoth



Schwab's WEF pushing for Social Credit System involving Universal Basic Income & Digital Identity

Why they want to destroy independent farmers

WEF's plan to create a worldwide famine, which the World Food Organisation has predicted will occur by 2024. All of this is being done to kill people and make the Globalist psychopaths richer.

U.S. Government Tries to Make the U.N. an Agency of the U.S. Government


Big Pharma Is Putting All Of Humanity At Risk Of Demographic Collapse

Stillbirths, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, preeclampsia, premature births, inability to conceive, reduced sperm count in men, etc., are reaching an existential tipping point and yet, Big Pharma, government and media continue to promote mRNA injections for pregnant women. With the refusal to stop this program, it is revealing itself as a major bioweapon attack on humanity.

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G

the NIH has posted a study that declares there is a link between CONvid-1984 and electromagnetic frequencies, including 5G, which was rolled out at the same time as the CONvids began in late 2019.




( En el video aparece una representación de todo el zoo globalista ; apesta como la jaula de las hienas. Y además son bastante estúpidos, aunque con mucho poder y dinero que no les convierte en auténticas personas inteligentes y valiosas ; por eso tienen que valerse de mentiras y traiciones. Es una unión de criminales, gangsters, en un complot delirante y abyecto.  )

Elite in Their Own Words: We Will Create New Humans!   -   Jay Dyer


Hay menos gente en el metaverso que en Móstoles: ni 200.000 personas lo visitan al mes

En contra del metaverso juegan muchos factores. El principal probablemente es su falta de utilidad
el público no está dispuesto -al menos de momento- a gastarse el dinero en comprar bienes virtuales (NFT) que no va a disfrutar en la realidad. ¿Para qué pagar por un café o una cerveza que no te vas a beber? Y mucho menos a comprarse un coche o una casa virtuales.

En público, muchas empresas lo abrazan como el futuro y aseguran que ofrecerán sus productos en este mundo virtual. Pero en privado, todos ellos coinciden en que no le ven ningún futuro, salvo en campos muy concretos como los videojuegos: el ejemplo es la película Ready Player One de Steven Spielberg.


Muy atento si vives en esta comunidad autónoma: no te asustes con lo que pasará en unos días

La Dirección General de Protección Civil realizará entre el lunes 24 de octubre y el miércoles 16 de noviembre, las pruebas del nuevo sistema de alertas a la población 'Es-Alert'.

Las fechas establecidas para realizar las pruebas según la comunidad autónoma son las siguientes:

    Lunes 24 de octubre: Se iniciarán las pruebas en Andalucía, Cantabria y Asturias.
    Jueves 27 de octubre: Se probará el sistema en Extremadura, Comunidad Valenciana y Galicia.
    Miércoles 2 de noviembre: Se desarrollarán las pruebas en Murcia, Baleares, Madrid, Aragón, Navarra y Cataluña.
    Jueves 10 de noviembre: Se efectuarán las pruebas del sistema en Castilla y León, País Vasco, Canarias y Ceuta.
    Miércoles 16 de noviembre: Concluirán las pruebas en La Rioja, Castilla-La Mancha y Melilla.


Inteligencia artificial: Hacia una inteligencia artificial socialmente sostenible   -   Nuria Oliver

Duración 1h 6min. 17seg.


"Experts" now admit you will NEVER be "fully vaccinated"

to all the (formerly) "fully vaccinated" out there, we are sorry...but we did try to tell you this would happen.


VAERS myths busted

My latest survey shatters all of the myths that the CDC has used to ignore the VAERS safety data. There are more reports for these vaccines because there are more events observed.

The Died Suddenly Facebook group had 300,000 members and was growing at 20,000 new people a day at the time Facebook removed it. This suggests a lot of people are dying suddenly all of a sudden. I wonder why? (The Died Suddenly group on Facebook was  the fastest growing group in Facebook history. They had to throttle the growth rate due to attempts by the British military to infiltrate the group to cause it to be shut down.)
The average age of the people reported dead in the Died Suddenly group has been trending younger and younger over time. How can you explain that? The only worldwide massive intervention that goes to younger people is the COVID vaccine.

(Evidence of harm   -   Sep 22
A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the COVID vaccines are not "safe and effective." Not even close. They are the most deadly vaccines we've ever produced.

Why are prominent people risking their careers to obtain fake vaccine cards? We know top people at Mass General Hospital have fake vaccine cards. We've heard that people at the highest levels of the DoD can get fake vaccine cards. It is well known that the CEO of a large pharmaceutical company bought a fake vaccine card. Why would he risk spending years in jail if the vaccines are perfectly safe?


Debate on Covid vaccine safety tomorrow

THE Parliamentary debate on Covid-19 vaccines safety which was scheduled for the day of the Queen's funeral will now take place tomorrow in Westminster Hall. It's the outcome of a petition to open a public inquiry into Covid-19 vaccine safety that achieved the requisite number of signatories last June.

The petition pointed to the significant increase in heart attacks and related health issues since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines began in 2021, stating 'This needs immediate and full scientific investigation to establish if there is any possible link with the Covid-19 vaccination rollout'.

Sadly only four MPs came to the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group on Covid Vaccine Damage) to hear these accounts. Notably all were from the Conservative Party. -  Shockingly not one Labour MP (once the party of the oppressed, exploited and disadvantaged) bothered to turn up. Not one SNP or LibDem member either.


The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History   -  PDF 1194 páginas

E. Michael Jones - 2008

The Jews were God's chosen people. When Jesus arrived on earth as their long-awaited Messiah, the Jews, who, like all men, were given free will by their God, had to make a decision. They had to either accept or reject the Christ, who was, so Christians believe, the physical embodiment of Logos.

Once Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, the term Jew in the Gospel of St. John is no longer a purely racial term. Jew has come to mean a rejecter of Christ. Race is no longer the focus. The Jews who accept Jesus will henceforth be known as Chris-tians. The Jews who reject him are known henceforth as "Jews." As St. John reports in the Apocalypse, "those who call themselves Jews" are really liars and members of the "synagogue of Satan"

The Jews rejected Christ because he was crucified. They wanted a powerful leader, not a suffering servant. Annas and Caiaphas mockingly told Christ that if he came down from the cross, they would accept him as the Messiah. When the Jews rejected Christ, they rejected Logos, and when they rejected Logos, which includes within itself the principles of social order, they became revolutionaries.

Jews may have become revolutionaries at the foot of the cross, but the full implications of their decision didn't become apparent until 30 years later, when the Jews rebelled against Rome, and Rome retaliated by destroying the Temple. At this point, the Jews had no temple, no priesthood, and no sacrifice, and as a result they had no way of fulfilling their covenant.

some 30 years after the founding of the Church, that modern Judaism, Judaism as we know it, was born as essentially a debating society, because in the absence of a Temple, that was all that Jews could do. The results of these interminable debates became known as the Talmud, which got written down over the next six centuries. The debating did nothing to eradicate the spirit of revolution from the Jewish mind, but in many ways intensified it by teaching the Jews to look for a military Messiah.

"The ethnic group does not define the religious system .... All Judaists -those who practice the religion, Judaism- are Jews, but not all Jews are Judaists. That is to say, all those who practice the religion, Judaism, by definition fall into the ethnic group, the Jews, but not all members of the ethnic group practice Judaism.'?

There are very many Jews who are believers, honest, just, kind, and philanthropic. There is a healthy, edifying sense of family in very many Jewish homes. We know Jews who are ethically outstanding, noble, and upright.


Le Problème Juif Face au Concile   -   Léon de Poncins   PDF 30 páginas


