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Iniciado por jorgecerra, Marzo 08, 2022, 09:09:24 PM

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Gates, Fauci Funded Experiments on Bird Flu — Will It Be the Next Pandemic?

Natural bird flu is notoriously harmless to humans, but Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci have, for many years, funded research to develop a bird flu pathogen capable of infecting humans.


Five simple ways to "take down" all the top COVID misinformation spreaders
Why aren't our health authorities pursuing these methods?

Dr. Robert Malone leads thousands of scientists in calling for a total end to 'orchestrated' COVID crisis
The group of 17,000 medical professionals called for an end to COVID 'genetic therapy injections,' the restoration of medical freedom, and accountability for 'crimes against humanity.' 

17.000 médicos y científicos médicos de todo el mundo han llegado a un consenso sobre los siguientes principios fundamentales:

    Declaramos y los datos confirman que las inyecciones de la terapia genética experimental COVID-19 deben terminar.
    Declaramos que no se debe impedir a los médicos proporcionar un tratamiento médico que salve vidas.
    Declaramos que el estado de emergencia nacional, que facilita la corrupción y extiende la pandemia, debe terminar inmediatamente.
    Declaramos que nunca más se debe violar la privacidad médica, y que deben cesar todas las restricciones sociales y de viaje.
    Declaramos que las mascarillas no son ni han sido nunca una protección eficaz contra un virus respiratorio transmitido por el aire en el ámbito comunitario.
    Declaramos que debe establecerse la financiación y la investigación de los daños, la muerte y el sufrimiento causados por la vacunación.
    Declaramos que no se debe negar ninguna oportunidad, incluyendo la educación, la carrera, el servicio militar o el tratamiento médico, por no estar dispuesto a recibir una inyección.
    Declaramos que deben cesar las violaciones de la primera enmienda y la censura médica por parte del gobierno, las empresas tecnológicas y los medios de comunicación, y que debe defenderse la Carta de Derechos.
    Declaramos que Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, y sus facilitadores, ocultaron y omitieron deliberadamente información sobre seguridad y eficacia a pacientes y médicos, y deben ser acusados inmediatamente de fraude.
    Declaramos que los organismos gubernamentales y médicos deben rendir cuentas.


( Qué "window of opportunity" para detenerlos a todos ; habrá 2,5 gendarmes por cada conspirador )

Elites at World Economic Forum annual meeting to be guarded by a 5,000-person army, 'no-fly' zone    (22 - 26 mayo)

Swiss Air Force are set to fly overhead during the conference to ensure a no-fly zone is maintained.

The globalist conference will feature as many as 2,000 political and industry leaders, who will convene to discuss their plans for "pandemic recovery, tackling climate change, the future for work, accelerating stakeholder capitalism, and harnessing new technologies."


From the heart of the Covid establishment, the truth about asymptomatic spread

Mike Yeadon has been proved right – we have been lied to

"The idea that you could carry and transmit, give others this infective agent without having any symptoms yourself, is the central psychological deceit."
"So you've been told to be frightened: 'It's really horrible thing. And you'll all have to wear masks and separate,' like, any person walking down the street might breathe on you and give it to you "



The Covid fearmongers return

Articles are appearing talking up the threat from Omicron. Leading US scientist Dr Eric Topol, Director of Scripps Research in California, has produced a classic of the genre. Titled 'The Covid Capitulation', it lambasts the US and other governments for trying to move on from the pandemic, criticising the CDC in particular for propagating 'delusional thinking' and 'conveniently feeding the myth that the pandemic is over'.

He calls for a 'warp speed' programme to complete the development of nasal vaccines, which he thinks will 'markedly ameliorate our problems of transmission, no less the alluring aspect of achieving mucosal immunity and being variant-proof', plus a 'pan-beta coronavirus vaccine'.

- As far as I can tell the article is primarily an appeal for funding to continue the development of Covid drugs and vaccines rather than just (as he sees it) pretending Covid has gone away. However, in the process he's painted a frightening picture that will spook many of his readers and risks pushing us back towards social restrictions. -


Link between COVID-19 and Parkinson's disease risk grows with new findings

"If it does turn out that COVID-19 increases the risk of Parkinson's, it will be a major burden on our society and healthcare system."


Simón opina sobre la viruela del mono y las redes arden:

«En un mes estamos subidos en los árboles»



The Secret Game Plan For The Collapse Of America Discovered - Jay Dyer




COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

NIH-NCBI Document Blasts Covid Plandemic To Smithereens!
! COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history

