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Iniciado por jorgecerra, Marzo 08, 2022, 09:09:24 PM

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Next big virus scare?
Hype has already begun around the recent spread of Monkeypox

The U.S. likely has first dibs on the product because the vaccine was developed with American support. Anthony Fauci's NIAID has supported Bavarian Nordic with well over $100 million in grants. Whether Fauci and his colleagues will receive kickbacks and royalties for this vaccine remains unknown.

Bavarian Nordic received FDA approval for its vaccine in September of 2019, just two months before the commencement of COVID Mania.


Dr. McCullough: 'Medical crisis' is being exploited to push global government

Dr. Peter McCullough on Friday sketched what he believes is the true purpose of an induced COVID "medical crisis": global world government.

"What we're seeing now is the utilization of vaccines as an inroad to global human compliance. Subjugation of the entire world's population at the same time, via the same method. Having our rights linked to the end of a hypodermic needle," declared McCullough

According to McCullough, it doesn't matter whether the "vaccine" is a genetic one, such as those being used in the West, or a "kill virus vaccine," which he said is being used in the East. In his view, they accomplish the same purpose: They subjugate our medical, social, and economic freedom.

"Because those who are under the duress of taking the vaccine are given the most agonizing decision: The decision to take a product they know will cause harm to their bodies, or lose their livelihood. Or in some countries, lose their type of governmental financial assistance, or in some countries, lose access to their bank accounts," McCullough said.

He noted the vaccines are also being "tightly tied" to the ability to carry out social activities like going to school or church.

"The next step in this process is the World Health Organization (WHO) global treaty that will bind countries into this type of totalitarian servitude," he added, referring to recently proposed amendments to the WHO's International Health Regulations, that many have pointed out would compromise the sovereignty of nations in the case of a "health emergency."

"In my view, the only court that's open now is the court of public opinion," said McCullough, adding that for those "on the line," he believes that "our challenge is to make our case" here.

"The sacrifices are just starting, and I think the stakes will get higher and higher. I think the vaccines are just one chapter in a very, very dark narrative that's being handed to us," he continued.

McCullough then issued a rousing call to resist and fight the malevolent agenda behind the COVID-induced medical, social and economic tyranny.

"If the entire world tomorrow rejected these vaccines, uniformly rejected these vaccines, the entire dark plot would fall," he declared.
"And I encourage each and every one of you to have strength and resolve beyond anything you think you could have possibly done in your life. To make this the line. It has become clear, this is the line. It's only by holding the line that we actually stop this freight train."

"There is a vaccine cabal — vaccine stakeholders ... we know you're listening. And my message to you is that we are bold, and we are relentless, and we are unstoppable, and we have the truth. And the truth will prevail."



CDC Urges One-Third of US Population to Mask Up Again in Public Indoor Settings and Based on Their Covid-19 Risk

FDA Approves New Intravenous Monkeypox Drug Treatment From PFIZER-Linked SIGA Technologies

On Thursday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it had approved the company's intravenous version of TPOXX® (tecovirimat) for use in the US to treat monkeypox. The new drug was created by SIGA Technologies, which formed a partnership related to the drug with Meridian Medical Technologies in 2019.

TPOXX has been available for use to treat smallpox for several years, but it was only available in pill form. The new version of TPOXX will be delivered directly into the bloodstream via injection and also reportedly works for treating monkeypox.


Tucker Carlson Joins Fellow Conservatives – Warns Americans of Joe Biden's Plans to Hand Over US Sovereignty to the Globalist WHO

America LAST: US Senate REJECTS $48 Billion Aid Package For Small Businesses and Restaurants Just Hours After Approving ANOTHER $40 Billion for Ukraine – 34 RINOs Voted Yes for Ukraine and No for Americans






La representación empresarial española en el Foro Económico Mundial de Davos, que se desarrollará entre los días 22 y 26 de mayo

Calviño se borra de Davos para que Yolanda Díaz no presida el Consejo de Ministros
Díaz ha asumido la Presidencia en funciones en distintas ocasiones pero nunca ha presidido un Consejo de Ministros


BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADONúm. 207Jueves 29 de agosto de 2019Sec. III.   Pág. 94719

Noveno.  Que la AEMPS es propietaria de 2.000.000 de dosis de vacuna ACAM 2000 contra el virus de la viruela, la cual se presenta como un liofilizado, y debe ser conservada a la temperatura de -20 ºC ± 5 ºC; así mismo, es propietaria de 20.800 viales de disolvente para reconstitución de la vacuna liofilizada y de 2.100.000 agujas bifurcadas para llevar a cabo su administración en el proceso de vacunación contra la viruela. La adquisición del mencionado disolvente se efectúa como medicamento extranjero.

c)  El almacenaje y la custodia del depósito de la vacuna de la viruela, constituido por 2.000.000 de dosis de vacuna ACAM 2000 a -20 ºC ± 5 ºC, 20.800 viales de solución para  reconstitución  de  la  vacuna  ACAM  2000,  2.100.000  agujas  bifurcadas  para administración de la vacuna, y otros medicamentos que constituyan este depósito.
e)  La fabricación de solución para reconstitución de la vacuna ACAM 2000, si así fuera solicitado por la AEMPS al Ministerio de Defensa.

Compromisos del Ministerio de Defensa.
c)  El almacenamiento, custodia y gestión del depósito de la vacuna de la viruela, constituido por 2.000.000 de dosis de vacuna ACAM 2000 a la temperatura de -20 ºC ±  5  ºC,  20.800  viales  de  solución  para  reconstitución  de  la  vacuna  ACAM  2000, 2.100.000 agujas bifurcadas para la administración de la vacuna y otros medicamentos y productos  sanitarios  que  se  determine  para  este  depósito.  Estos  medicamentos  y productos  sanitarios  serán  entregados  al  CEMILFARDEF  para  ser  almacenados  y custodiados en sus instalaciones de Colmenar Viejo (Madrid).

e)   La fabricación de la solución para reconstitución de la vacuna ACAM 2000. Esta actividad será llevada a cabo por el CEMILFARDEF en las instalaciones de Colmenar Viejo (Madrid). La fabricación se efectuará a solicitud de la AEMPS previa aprobación de sus especificaciones y autorización del proceso.

Compromisos del CEMILFARDEF del Ministerio de Defensa.
b)  Respecto al almacenamiento y custodia del depósito de antivirales:
5.  El  CEMILFARDEF  tendrá  como  único  interlocutor  a  la  AEMPS  en  cualquier aspecto relacionado con estos medicamentos.

Compromisos de la AEMPS.
c)  Respecto al almacenamiento y custodia del depósito de la vacuna de la viruela, constituido por 2.000.000 de dosis de vacuna ACAM 2000 a la temperatura de –20 ºC ±  5  ºC,  20.800  viales  de  solución  para  reconstitución  de  la  vacuna  ACAM  2000, 2.100.000 agujas bifurcadas para la administración de la vacuna y otros medicamentos componentes de este depósito:
1.  Constitución,  adquisición  y  supervisión  de  las  unidades  que  conforman  el depósito.
2.  Comunicación de los planes y programas relacionados con estos medicamentos y productos sanitarios.

e)  Respecto  a  la  fabricación  de  solución  para  reconstitución  de  la  vacuna ACAM 2000:
1.  Establecimiento de las especificaciones de calidad del producto.
2.  Autorización de fabricación del disolvent




Ésto es lo que recomienda el Dr. Peter McCullough para el tratamiento de la infección del mono, tomado 2 veces al día.
( Por si acaso vienen con nuevos tratamientos genocidas, saber de dónde se parte )

TPOXX (tecovirimat) capsules for oral use

