Deceased persons emit MAC addresses

🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English – Deceased persons emit MAC addresses.
🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English – Deceased persons emit MAC addresses.
🇮🇹 #Italiano – Le forme geometriche si formano e dissipano a seconda delle frequenze emesse dalle antenne internet, telefono e 5g. La Quinta Columna aveva ragione.
🇹🇩 #Româna – Acum spun, că sforăitul poate produce cancer, ne țin de proști! Pe zi ce trece.
🇫🇷 #Français – Les êtres humains sont en danger d’extinction. Il n’y a pas d’ARNm dans les vaccins, seulement du graphène et des nanotechnologies qui interagissent avec des ondes électromagnétiques, provoquant ce qu’ils ont appelé le covid-19. ◼️ Chaîne Telegram…
🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English – Human beings are in danger of extinction. There is no mRNA in vaccines, only graphene and nanotechnology interacting with electromagnetic waves, causing what they have called covid-19. ◼️Telegram channel Mira al Microscopio:
🇮🇹 #Italiano – L’ essere umano é in pericolo di estinzione. Non c’é mRNA messaggero nei vaccini, solo grafene e nanotecnologia che interagiscono con le onde elettromagnetiche provocando quello che chiamano covid-19. ▪️Canale di Telegram “Guarda al microscopio:
🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English – Pablo Campra, PhD in Chemical Sciences, and Degree in Biological Sciences, identified and evidenced the existence of graphene in Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen vaccines.Video extracted from the documentary The Big Reset. Download the Campra report in…